Thursday, October 02, 2008

Post Surgery Day 2

I had a wonderful wake-up call this morning from my dad. It was so good to hear his voice on the other end of the phone. He called to tell me some wonderful news. The surgery on Tuesday had revealed that the mass in Dad's brain was a malignant tumor. However the post-operative MRI results came back and they indicate that there are no detectable cancer cells left after the surgery!!! We are all praising the Lord for His wonderful mercy. Some additional great news is that Dad is going to be released later today. We are all looking forward to having him home and are looking forward to some great family time together away from the hospital.


Anonymous said...

Kristin et al,

Thank you for your posting today. All I could think when I read that is Thank God!!

Brain surgery and removal of a malignant tumor and two days later Pastor is coming home!

Our God is truly an awesome God!!


Anonymous said...

We rejoice with you all in this good news. Our blessings to you all.

MeMe said...

What wonderful news. I have been reading all your postings and this one was the best! I know you are all so grateful for a successful surgery and will have great family time together. Joel will still continue to be in my prayers.

Patsy Madden

Unknown said...

So happy the prayers of the faithful were heard and answered. The Bast family has been praying for all of you. God has been glorified through your life and through your healing. We love you all.