Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today is prep day at Jefferson Hospital to get my head ready for tomorrow's surgery. They place "life savers" on my head and do an MRI (no photos please). We should hear after 6 pm tonight the specific time for surgery for tomorrow.

God's strong hand is good. We wait upon Him and depend upon on Him and are looking to see His Hand at work for every moment.

1 comment:

Cathy Miller said...

Dear Joel and Dottie,

We just heard from Janice Fullmer about Joel's surgery tomorrow and want you to know that there will be two people in Dillsburg, PA praying for you both. It's been great to read your blogs and it's obvious that you are seeking God's glory in the midst of this challenge. We will pray that He will give you peace that passes all understanding.
Fred and Cathy Miller